Why do we care about our conversion rate? Well, basically, to get people to buy things. And for that to be effective, you want your visitors to convert. A higher conversion rate is better because it reduces cost per purchase. 

This is the idea that too many choices can make it difficult for a person to decide. This can also happen to visitors to your website if there are too many options.

This will result in your visitors not converting. As per the digital agency in Mumbai, to reduce acquisition costs, a higher conversion rate is better, cost per purchase. We’ll discuss ways to increase your conversion rate for mobile and desktop websites.

How to increase your website’s conversion rate

9 points shared by the digital marketing company to illustrate how website conversions operate and how to improve them to grow your business.

1. Use a planner by CRO.

It can seem daunting to begin optimizing conversion rates. How can you increase conversion efficiency? Use a CRO planner.

A CRO planner will allow you to analyze and create a plan to increase conversion rates.

Planners for CROs are a great resource as they can guide you through every step, starting at the beginning.

2. Reduce the length of your forms.

Users often fail to switch because of friction. People may hesitate to complete lengthy forms, for example.

You are responsible for eliminating the fear of being rejected and not creating it. You can build trust with your customers by reducing the lengths of your forms. It takes less time to fill in, which increases the likelihood that users will complete the form.

3. Social evidence should be included.

Do you know that most buyers check online reviews before buying? The Canvas8 survey by Trustpilot revealed that 49% of respondents believe that positive reviews influence their purchasing decision. 

Your online reputation and image can significantly impact your conversion rates. It is, therefore, important to include social proof on your website. You can also link your Yelp page and/or any other directory site where users have posted reviews.

You should also include testimonials and reviews on your website to ensure that visitors don’t have to visit another site. Your customers are likely to have enjoyed using your product or service. Your conversion rate will suffer if they don’t.

4. Keep track of the interactions users make with your site

If you don’t understand how visitors interact with your site, it’s hard to increase your conversion rate. But how can you find out where users are getting caught? Website analysis tools allow you to see screen recordings of users who visit your site. 

You can view what they click on if they do not click on an offer or quit filling out forms. These tools should also include heat maps that will allow you to see the most popular elements that attract visitors’ attention.

Crazy Egg can help you identify where you are doing well and areas that need improvement. You should also determine your conversion rate and identify why your visitors aren’t using your site to its full potential.

5. Chat is now liv

A website visitor who does not convert could have questions about your product or service.

Live chat is a great way to keep potential customers from leaving your site. Potential customers can chat live with their sales representatives or customer service agents to ease any fears.

6. Take a look at your offer

Sometimes it can feel like you’ve done everything — you’ve written a great copy, added social proof, and improved your forms, but you’re still not converting. This is a sign that your content offerings need to be reviewed. Are they in line? Are they creative and engaging? Are they relevant to the page where they are displayed?

Take stock of your current offerings, and then answer these questions.

One example of this is offering consultation or trial for free. This can be taken as generic. You can instead offer something similar to Webgraders from HubSpot. Customers are able to benefit from this. 

Customers receive free, actionable advice and don’t need to clear their calendars to receive it. They can set aside time to receive it. Generic offers will always be more successful than compelling, tangible offers. 

You must test and analyze your content to increase conversion rates. Need help with analyzing these data? check out our packages on search engine marketing for local business in Mumbai.

7. Conduct A/B testing.

It can be difficult to tell what is working and what is not. This is why you need to take the A/B Test. Determine which headlines, colors, copy layouts, and CTAs are most effective for your target audience.  You could try a completely new type of CTA or change the design of your document.

8. Increase trust and eliminate friction

People won’t purchase if they don’t trust your brand or experience friction during the buying process. How can you increase your confidence? This can be done in several ways. 

You can get a money-back guarantee, keep your website’s information up to date, avoid spammy links and make your site easy to navigate. It can signify friction that you have not published blogs in the past two years or broken links. You can also add team bios so that your readers know to whom they are getting the information.

9. Email campaigns can be created for abandoned carts.

Have you ever visited the internet and added something to your wish list but then decided not to check it out? This happens to everyone, which is likely happening on your site too. Remember to consider potential customers. You will email customers who have lost their carts and did not receive one.

This campaign can remind users to check their carts and send them a follow-up email. It may also include a special discount or offer. You will miss your chance to convert if you don’t forward the email. Check out our packages for search engine marketing for small businesses in Mumbai.

How to Increase Landing Page Conversion Rate

1. Communicate your value proposition

Your purpose should be stated clearly on every landing page. This is possible by being aware of your target audience and your buyer’s persona. Your content should be tailored to your audience.  For example, you can discuss their motivations, goals, and other issues.

You must also discuss the benefits of your product or service over its features. Potential customers can see their future with your product if they see the benefits. Features, on the other hand, are easy to overlook.

Your copy should clearly explain how your product or service will solve the problem for your target audience. You should check the quality of your copy to see if it is not converting.

2. Incorporate multimedia elements into your landing pages

You may have ever placed an order for food at a restaurant and received it completely different from what you expected. This is not a good idea. Add images and/or videos to the landing page’s products and services pages to prevent this.

Multimedia elements help your site look more credible. It’s also the most used method to access the content. You can increase your conversion rate by adding images and graphs to your website or videos with testimonials.

3. Write compelling CTAs

Your call-to-action (CTA) is a key element in conversion. Your CTA could be to sign-up for your email newsletter, share a blog post via social media, or sign up for your newsletter.

No matter what case you are trying to make, you should include CTAs on your website or landing pages. 

This means that they are easily accessible and visible. HubSpot’s Senior Market Manager AJ Beltis says marketers must use a Goldilocks approach when putting up CTAs. “Sometimes, one CTA is not enough.” It’s easy to make the CTA pop up so often that it becomes a nuisance for site visitors.

Most landing pages only have one CTA, but it will be used multiple times on the page. This blog post has three CTAs that lead to an offer. One is located at the bottom of the page, in the text of paragraph 1, and the other appears after you click through the post.

Beltis states that the CTA should be placed on a website as soon as possible. Users may not scroll far enough to reach the conversion point if it’s not there. It is important to remember that the CTA can be accessed from any page. Your CTA should clearly state that visitors are not at risk.

4. Remove distractions

Concerning CTAs, removing any content on your landing page that could prevent visitors from taking the desired action is essential. Unneeded pop-ups, links, or navigation alternatives that could distract users from the page should be removed.

Users won’t convert if a page is too cluttered or full of clutter. It takes only a few seconds for visitors to notice the page and dissuade them. Using visual hierarchies, you can create a website to encourage people to click on your CTA.

5. Make sure you meet the expectations of your audience.

Your landing page must deliver if someone visits your site after reading the Meta description on Google or looking at your search engine’s advertisement. You are responsible for fulfilling the promises made in the copy.

If someone sees the article on Google, they will likely look for ways to increase conversion rates. They’d be confused if they clicked through and the site contained only photos of puppy dogs.

A landing page that fails to fulfill the visitor’s expectations and does not convert will fail. 

It is important to think about the whole process, from seeing an advertisement visiting your landing page, and downloading an offer. To determine if your landing pages are not moving forward, take a look at your social media posts and descriptions of search engines.

How to increase mobile conversion

1. Speed up your pages

Page loading speed is a key issue in mobile conversion. It’s time it takes to display content in the display. Did you know that 40% of people leave websites that take more than three minutes to open abandoned? 

A delay of one second in page response time could result in a 7 percent decrease in conversion rates, especially for mobile devices. You can check the performance of your mobile website by using Google’s PageSpeed Tools. This will test your mobile website’s speed.

Images should be small and easily compressible to increase the site’s speed. Your website must be responsive and mobile-friendly.

2. Optimize for mobile devices

Google now indexes mobile-first mobile optimization is even more important than ever. Your Google ranking may be affected if your website isn’t optimized for mobile devices. This could lead to a drop in conversions.

You might wonder, “How can I optimize my mobile website?” It is important to remember that mobile and desktop experiences are different. You can use Google’s mobile test tool to check if your website is mobile-friendly. 

This tool will give suggestions on improving your mobile site’s performance. You might need to increase your mobile font size, reduce your images, or speed up your website.

3. Enhance the purchasing process

It’s easy to purchase with your smartphone. You shouldn’t have to follow too many steps during the checkout process. The payment buttons should be easy to find and click. You should also try to eliminate the restrictions online forms have on collecting payment details. 

My personal experience is that mobile forms are often blocked because the city name (22 characters) can be too long. Users should be able to checkout as guests and use any payment method that they choose, regardless of whether it is Apple Pay, Google Pay, or PayPal.

The process should be simple and straightforward. A complicated checkout process could hinder mobile conversions.

4. Mobile marketing is a new way to market

Mobile devices are a great way to increase conversion rates, but it doesn’t necessarily mean you need to adapt your website to meet these needs. You can also do it with a new idea and then create mobile-only marketing campaigns.

You might want to send a text message or use push notifications within your application.

These innovative, creative techniques can increase the conversion rate for your mobile.

5. Changes to your mobile website

Mobile and desktop experiences are different, so you must have different desktop and mobile websites. Mobile sites may have smaller or non-existent email subscription forms. You’ll also likely use multiple CTAs on your mobile website. 

This article shows you how the mobile website and the website have different types of CTAs. The offer may be identical, but the button and the way to access the CTA are not. On mobile devices, less is better. 

Your mobile website should not be difficult to navigate. This could be because you have simplified navigation and use an omnidirectional menu to make it easier to navigate your website.

6. Translate your content into local languages

Mobile users visit your website because they search for contact information, directions to their location, and reviews. You must optimize your website to allow local-focused marketing.

This includes adding pages that are relevant to local areas, managing your online directory listings, and creating content specific to local communities. You can increase your mobile conversion rate by making your content more localized to be found in local search results.


Let’s face it; we have all been consumers in the end. Consider the bigger picture. Imagine yourself as a customer and think about what you would do if you placed an order through your website If you enjoy this blog, do visit our previous post Retargeting: What It Is, How to Use It & Best Tools for It.