Traditionally marketing was linked to the promotion or selling of a product or service. In our view today it is every aspect from what to how to when to where. And then so much more. The most successful businesses bring marketing into everything and thinking in that way is a good place to start!


Before your focus on getting the world to know about your website ask yourself if you are proud of your website. How it looks, how it works and the content within the website. All these things can be addressed if you are not but before you put a lot of hard work into promoting your website first it needs to be something that you are proud to promote.


There are numerous way any business can promote themselves but we believe the cheapest and most effective way of marketing any business is through SEO (search engine optimization). In simple terms SEO is concerned with identifying key phrases that you want people to use to then find your website in Google (other search engines do exist but can probably be forgotten!).

The techniques for SEO are varied but can be split between onsite factors, such as your content or how it has been built, and offsite factors, mainly how your website is linked from other quality websites.

We offer a cost-effective SEO service and if you are interested in working with us to promote your website please get in touch and we can explain how it works and answer any questions that you may have.


In the spirit of marketing being not so much about selling but actually being about everything, a business that aims to be the best should think of their customers as partners not a target. If you can change your mindset and put the customer at the forefront of everything that you do, then your business will prosper.

It is amazing how many businesses do not think like this but if we use the “word of mouth” marketing tool that is commonly accepted as being one of the most effective ways a business can be promoted (and the opposite is also true with word of mouth) by turning your customers into “fans” not only will you have very happy customers but you will have a much greater reach.