Article submission is one of the best and most effective ways to bring traffic to your site. This method of social media promotion works wonderfully well for any blogger with a large amount of traffic on their articles.

How? Introducing these articles to more people increases your chances of receiving backlinks.

Learn from the experts at search engine optimization company Singapore how can these backlinks directly link us and lead to more traffic and higher rankings on Google.

So, let’s see how we can do it.

What is Article Submission?

Article submission is publishing an article on a third-party website. This process is intended to generate high-quality backlinks for your website or blog. Do-follow article submission websites can increase your page traffic and increase domain authority.

Content marketing includes article submission. You can also promote articles related to your business on well-respected article submission sites.

What to Choose Between Nofollow and Do-follow Links?

Backlinking refers to the process by which search engine bots link to different websites. This is a great opportunity for content marketers to leverage by adding do-follow hyperlinks to their blogs or websites on popular article submission sites.

What are these no-follow and do-follow links?

Do-follow refers to any link that allows visitors or search engines to view another website via the link. If people click on the links, they can increase traffic.

If your website has do-follow links accessible on websites of higher domain value, they can help improve your search engine ranking.

Nofollow links don’t allow search engines to follow your link and thus have no direct impact on your site’s position in search engine results pages. They do allow you to increase your visibility through article submission websites.

Your chances of getting do-follow organic links increase once your content is well-known. For immediate results, however, many bloggers prefer to follow article submission websites.

Benefits of Article Submission:

You can increase PageRank and get more traffic to your website via article submissions. In fact, the higher you score on SEO, the more domain authority you have for your brand. To reap the maximum benefits, ensure that you include main keywords in relevant categories.

Digital marketing agencies should be aware of various free article submission websites. It is better to submit quality articles than many articles that don’t contain the main keyword. Both your website traffic and on-page SEO may increase as a result.

  • Increases visibility and presence

The most important benefit to article writing is its ability to increase visibility for your business. Publishing is one of the best methods to get high-quality backlinks.

Pub linking to your article on other websites essentially indicates that your submissions are worthwhile to read and worth linking to.

This will improve your website’s search engine ranking and increase its visibility on search engine result pages (SERPs).

  • Marketing for free

Article submission is a great marketing tool. Write articles about your topic and then submit them to the appropriate directories.

There is no cost! You only need to focus on creating quality content for your articles.

  • Traffic Acquisition

Article submission can bring you additional traffic. High-quality backlinks to your article will help more editors find your site and click through it. This increases brand awareness, lead generation, and engagement.

  • Generating new customers

Increased traffic to your website means more leads and potential customers. Article submission has another major advantage: it can generate new customers by improving your business’ visibility on search engine results pages (SERPs).

Research can be an excellent place to begin if you want to increase your revenue stream or business.

  • Reach and Exposure Larger

As mentioned above, publishing many articles can help get high-quality backlinks on other websites that link to your content.

Your business will have a wide reach and exposure in niche markets. This exposure can also increase your brand’s visibility, which is always good.

  • You will save time and money.

Instead, you can focus more on sales and lead generation. Article submission sites save you money and generate free traffic and leads.

They can also reduce the time spent on marketing activities like content creation for new blog posts and guest blogging.

  • Link Building for the Website

Article submission has the key benefit of helping build your site backlinks. This component is essential to any SEO strategy.

It helps increase the authority and relevancy of your site in Google’s eyes (and other search engines).

  • Builds Credibility

Article submission can also help to build your credibility. You’ll be viewed as an authoritative source of information within your niche or industry by writing quality articles and submitting them to reputable directories.

This will increase customer trust and confidence, increasing sales and conversions.

How to submit your article:

When choosing a journal to publish your research, there are several things you should consider. Make sure that your research is relevant to the journal’s topic. You might search for journals specializing in applied science to submit your research.

Consider the audience, reputation, and requirements of the journal. You can also learn more about the journal’s impact by studying its journal metrics like CiteScore metrics (SJR), SNIP, JIF, or h-index.

These are a few essential steps to take before you submit by the best SEO agency in Singapore. There are some steps that you must take before you submit an article.

  • Run a Plagiarism Check

A plagiarism check will confirm the authenticity of your research and search for any traces of material that was copied or inadvertently taken from other sources. It is vital to create a paper that is free from plagiarism.

Every journal has ethical standards that prohibit plagiarism. Your research will be rejected if it contains any other person’s work. Always check your article for plagiarism.

  • Prepare Your Artwork

Your paper’s artwork, which can include images, charts, graphs, or other visuals, plays a significant role in communicating your research results. Before you submit your paper, artwork preparation is essential. Every journal will have its guidelines for technical artwork.

Make sure you check the website. There are usually no requirements. However, placing your artwork towards the end of the paper is a good practice.

  • Formatting Requirements.

Although technical requirements for artwork are not usually very strict, formatting requirements require more thought. These writing requirements are the foundation of an article’s structure in a journal, so you must follow them down to the last detail.

Many journals have specific formatting requirements that require papers to be written in a particular style. The American Psychological Association (APA) style is the most commonly used for academic documents.

You shouldn’t be surprised if a journal you have chosen uses a combination of both styles.

It would be best if you used proper English when writing your manuscript. You can use both American and British English, but not both.

Many journals have an editor service that can help you correct any grammatical and spelling mistakes you might have missed. Language should be inclusive and acknowledge diversity. It should also convey respect for all people.

Use neutral language that isn’t biased and free from stereotypes or slang. On their website, you can find the publishing requirements for each journal. You will usually find a page called “Information for Authors” and “Submission Guidelines.”

These pages either have a download link for detailed documents or written instructions.

  • Include a cover letter

Always include a cover letter to journal editors if you have the option. This is your opportunity to explain why your research is important and unique.

The editors will take responsibility for their readers very seriously, and you should highlight how your research will benefit them.

A cover letter will help speed up publication and allow you to send your article for peer review quicker. Do not just copy the abstract. Instead, use your words to describe your research scope and explain why it is appropriate for that journal.

Keep the cover letter concise and simple to read.

Include your contact information and a short statement stating that you have not published the article previously in another journal.

  • The Review Process

After you have submitted your manuscript, the editors will review it to ensure that it meets the submission criteria. It will be submitted for peer review if it meets all the submission criteria.

Peers refers to independent researchers in the same field as the paper and evaluate it for authenticity, importance, and relevancy. They are the final word in deciding whether or not the journal should publish the research.

Journals must publish high-quality articles. This wouldn’t have been possible without the peer review process. Peer Review is vital because it confirms the validity of manuscripts.

The manuscript becomes stronger because the peer reviewers can identify gaps that need additional explanation. The peer reviewers can also suggest tweaking difficult parts to make the paper easy to read.

There are four types of peer review:

  • Single-blinded: This means that the researchers reviewing the paper know the author but not the writer.
  • Double-blinded: If neither the reviewers nor the author knows who is doing the work.
  • Open peer. This review is where both the authors and the reviewers know the other person is reading the paper.
  • Transparent peer: This means that the reviewers are aware of the author, but the author does not know the person reviewing their paper. The reviewer can sign the report and reveal themselves to the author.

It all depends on which peer review type the journal will use. This information can be found on the journal’s “About” page.

You can get four reviews depending on your result:

  • Desk rejects: Editors reject an article because it is not within the journal’s scope. It is important to research the journal before you submit your manuscript.
  • Accept: This is a periodic review that even long-standing publishers rarely get to see. This means that the article can be published as is without any revisions. There will be some things you want to address and change if your article is accepted.
  • Reject: Reject. This was when the editor for peer review rejected the article. You will always receive feedback explaining why you were rejected if you get a “reject.”

This can help you improve your next article. Even if you don’t agree with the feedback, it would be nice to thank the editors.

  • Revise & resubmit: This is the most frequent review submissions receive. This means that the reviewers have found gaps in your article.

You should then resubmit it for publication. Make sure you read every review and fully understand the questions.

You might make a list of everything you need to do and then cross them off once you have it completed. When submitting the paper, ensure you include a short response to inform the reviewers that your responses have been addressed.

Tips for writing a good SEO article

Here are 6 main points by the digital experts at the best SEO company in Singapore which will help you write a good article.

A well-written title will make editors want to read your article. It needs to be interesting and pertinent to your subject. The maximum length of the title should be 65 characters (including spaces). This will make sure that Google can see the title.

  • The Article Body

The article body should contain no more than 400 words and no more than 600 words. The article should be engaging and include an intro, body, and conclusion paragraphs.

To keep readers engaged, each paragraph should contain a topic sentence supporting the purpose of simultaneous submissions.

  • For SEO, use keywords.

Keywords are essential for optimization because they drive search engines like Google and Yahoo! traffic. These keywords should be used at least once per article’s beginning, middle and end.

To see which terms editors are searching for to find your website or blog post, you can use either a keyword tool or Google Analytics.

  • Social Sharing Icons

To alt is important to include social sharing buttons for your readers to share your content on social media.

I share submissions with family and friends interested in the subject, and editors will use their Twitter and Facebook accounts. This can increase traffic to your website via social media, which can help improve your business.

  • Use images

A YouTube video or image will be included in many blog posts. This allows editors to scan RSS feeds and search engine result page listings to see the images attached to the article. If they find the image interesting, they’ll read the text accompanying it to learn more about it.

  • Good Formatting

A well-formatted article will be easy to read and pleasing to the eyes. Use proper headings, lists, paragraphs, and subheadings. It’s a good idea also to bolden or italicize important words or points. Different font colors can be used, but they should not distract from the main content.

10+ The Best Article Submission Sites

To promote your content, popular article submission websites are crucial. These sites can generate leads and sales, increase search traffic and boost your online credibility.

Below are some of the most popular free article submission websites by SEO company in Singapore:


It is undoubtedly one of the most effective link-building tools offered by Google. This is Alexa’s top-ranked article submission site for adding substance and content to blogs.


This is a top article submission site with an excellent rating and attracts good readers to the content.

  1. is a decent article publishing website that allows users to publish content on over 2000 websites. This platform is more affordable if you have more credit.


Another popular article submission site,, can write on a single topic or combine multiple articles. You can also share blogs and stories with other people.

  1. is a premium site that approves your article immediately. It also offers multiple categories for submitting articles for a larger readership.


Quora is a content platform that is steadily growing. It presents content in a question-and-answer format. You can reach your target audience directly while gaining many backlinks through this free article publishing platform.


Tumblr allows you to create multiple microblogs and share your content across many publishers. You can also quickly create a blog.


Articlebiz is a popular site among both publishers and readers. Because of its large database of articles, it has a substantial audience.


This site is well-known for its content promotion and marketing. It offers many content types to its users.

  1. offers a broad range of categories for you to explore. This makes it stand out among other article submission sites.

These popular article submission websites are not the only ones tested and proven reliable.

You can also look into other article submission sites in India, such as:

  1. (Moz rank 9.3)
  2.   (Moz rank 7.6)
  3.   (Moz rank 7.1)
  4.     (Moz rank 6.8)


Done right, article submission can bring you a lot of traffic. A well-written article sharing quality information with your targeted audience can contribute greatly to your website’s authority and strengthen its ranking on search engine results pages (SERPs).

It’s important to remember that the best way to rank high in SERPs is by creating valuable, unique content for your readers.

With that, we hope this blog will help you to get started in your journey of article submission; now, if you want to read about more such topics, start with our blog on Building A Brand with SEO: How Rank Could Help You Make Your Brand.