To attract the right clients, you need to produce content they want to interact with. Not just any content will do — interactive content acts like a magnet, attracting your ideal clients. And it doesn’t matter whether or not you have a blog or website.
According to the experts at content marketing company in Singapore, interactive content can include anything from Facebook posts, Twitter tweets, and YouTube videos. But what exactly is interactive content, and how do you make sure your site has it?
In this article, I will be covering everything you need to know about interactive content.
So, let’s get started.
Interactive Content
You’ve probably ever taken a quiz to determine your friend type or enjoyed animated infographics online.
Interactive content such as these grabs our attention. People love stimulant and creative content that is different from the norm and allows them to interact with others.
These materials can be more effective for brands than traditional advertising and sales methods. This is why such content is increasingly being used in marketing strategies.
The best content marketing agency in Singapore believes content marketing is now a strong force in interactive content. This strategy was dominated by inert materials like eBooks and blog posts.
It is time to get your audience engaged with your content. This is what we will discuss in this article.
Next, find out more about the following topics.
- What is Interactive Content?
- What are the Benefits of Interactive Content
- What types of interactive content can you produce?
- How to Create Interactive Content: These are 5 Tips to Make Use of this Strategy
- What are the Best Tools for Producing Interactive Content?
1. What is Interactive Content?
Interactive content refers to any material that encourages user participation and conveys its message. It allows users to engage with the content rather than passively consume it.
Interactivity is possible in quizzes and eBooks, animated infographics, videos, calculators, and quizzes. This type of content can be found in various online formats, which opens up new avenues for interaction.
With the advent of the internet and the popularity of blogs, media interaction has seen a significant increase in its power. Brands have begun to accept consumer participation in their content.
Content Marketing was based largely on passive consumption. Brands publish content and wait for user feedback through likes, reactions, and comments. It’s much more interactive than offline marketing or even the early days of the internet.
Brands could still go further. Interactive content was created to make it more fun and exciting for consumers to access the huge amount of information available online. This content requires the user to interact with it to get the necessary information.
Every interaction with the content is a sign from users to the brand. Interactive content is a great way for brands to see if people have consumed their product while providing an exciting experience for consumers.
2. What are the Benefits of Interactive Content?
Marketing is increasingly using interactive content. Do you want to know if it’s worth investing in interactive content in your marketing strategies? Let’s now look at the main advantages of interactive content!
The experts offering content marketing services in Singapore believe blog posts, infographics, and eBooks are great for educating customers because they provide a lot of information. They become interactive and add something that engages and attracts people: fun.
Interactive content combines entertainment and information. The user is stimulated to consume the content because it contains triggers that will keep their attention.
For example, a quiz requires the user to go through all questions and find the answer. This can be more challenging in an eBook or blog post.
The content should not be passive or static to offer a better user experience. This is especially true if you consider generation Y, the millennials born between 1980-1995, who influence consumer behavior and dictate trends.
These young people witnessed the internet’s birth and how the world is becoming faster. This generation is immediatism and dynamic. They don’t need boring, irrelevant, or static content.
They want innovation, challenges, and experiences. They are, therefore, more likely to want interactive content. Content dynamics will not be an option for the next generation but a necessity for them to communicate.
Increase engagement
An interactive experience for your customers is a better way to increase engagement rates. Interactive content is a great marketing tool.
Content marketing has grown to such an extent that consumers are overwhelmed with stimuli and posts on blogs, social networks, and other media outlets. Often, these posts lack quality and relevance.
Brands have to find creative ways to grab this information-rich consumer’s attention. This problem is solved by interactive content. Passive content is now open to interactive formats, increasing brand engagement.
For example, an interactive infographic can surprise users by showing them a different way to consume information. It is lighter and more enjoyable. They are encouraged to take the time to understand the information and then share it with others.
This increased engagement can be seen when you analyze metrics like time spent on site or link share (referral traffic). You can also analyze consumption metrics to see if users have viewed all interactive content.
Get more feedback from your users.
Interactive content also offers the opportunity to collect various feedback data from users. Passive content, as we said, does not indicate whether the consumer consumed a particular material.
You don’t know how many people have downloaded a blog post or scrolled down to the bottom of it. However, you cannot tell if they have read the content.
Interactive content collects data while it is being consumed. Identifying clicks, views, interactions, and interactions with each element in your interactive material is possible. You can also evaluate exit points.
Rock’s survey shows that 60% of organizations using interactive content can measure their efficiency better than those who use static content. This is a significant difference from the 25% that uses static content.
Take, for example, the questionnaire you created to help your client determine the best solution. Each question answers a metric that allows you to assess your strategy’s effectiveness and get to know the user.
This allows you to verify that your users have read all of your content. It also provides valuable data about your audience’s behaviors, pains, desires, and needs, which can be used to optimize your strategies. Interactive content can be used to enhance your marketing strategy.
Maximize lead generation and conversions
Interactive content generates more engagement and leads to sales and revenue. Dynamic content with visual appeal is more engaging and can awaken consumers’ desires. This content will also keep their attention and guide them on their journey towards conversion.
You can use tools to create interactive content for this purpose (we will soon introduce some). These tools can optimize conversions and test which applications work best.
You can, for example, test two layouts of your landing pages to determine which one converts more. You can improve the user experience and get better results with your content.
3. What types of interactive content can you produce?
We’ll show you the types of interactive content you can publish and provide some examples for you to use in your production.
Interactive materials include calculators and quizzes. There is also interactive content, like eBooks or infographics.
Keep in mind, however, that interactive content can be combined into one cohesive material.
A page could also include an interactive infographic. In the end, a quiz can be included for users to test their knowledge and verify the effectiveness of the content. Let’s now learn more about interactive content and get inspired!
- Quizzes
A Quiz, a type of interactive content, has many fans already! These interactive content tools have been popularized by Buzzfeed and have become interactive tools for many brands.
They can be used to entertain and educate the audience using light and fun language. If they are original and relevant to their audience, they have a high chance of going viral.
- Calculators
Calculators’ interactive content helps customers see how your product could be a positive for their budget. Depending on your solution, you can show the client how they can save money, plan for the future, or make money.
This content can be combined to explain the market value of your product so that the calculator supports what you are saying. Rock Content has created a CAC (customer acquisition costs) to help marketers understand the cost of acquiring new clients.
- eBooks
Instead of sending a static PDF to your target audience, why not create interactive content and present the information in an eBook.
Text can be combined with images, videos, graphics, or animations. eBooks have become more interactive and fun with visual appeal and interactivity.
- Infographics
Infographics can be used to communicate data and information visually. Did you know you could make them more appealing? Add interactivity to the content so that the reader can participate in it.
Netflix is another great example of communicating information and data, appealing to the reader. Cocainenomicsis an example of branded content that promotes the Narcos series. It contains a lot of information about narcotrafficking. It also contains a quiz about the information.
- White Papers
Whitepapers often contain more technical information than eBooks or blog posts. They are a guide or manual for executing a strategy or other action.
Making them interactive is one way of making this material more appealing and understandable.
- Landing Pages
Visitors are intended to be converted by a landing page. These pages can be interactively designed to stimulate the visitor’s curiosity and persuade them to leave their details to become a lead.
- Lookbooks
A Lookbook, often composed of photos, is used extensively by fashion brands to present models, designers, products, and other visual materials (although it can also be used in other niches).
Lookbooks can be printed or saved in PDF. You can make interactive lookbooks to make them more appealing.
- Questionnaires
These questionnaires look similar to quizzes but have more serious language and in-depth content. It is intended to entertain and assist the consumer on their journey. The questionnaire can help people identify their needs at the beginning of the journey.
The material can be used to help them decide on the best solution. This allows you to collect data on the consumer and determine their current stage in the journey. This will help you decide which marketing and sales strategies to use.
This questionnaire helps companies to identify their contract management requirements through six strategic questions.
The user will then be able to view the recommendations and results from the company.
- Resource Library
A resource library is a collection of content that a company has produced previously for its Content Marketing strategy.
Instead of providing a list with links to these materials, we can create an interactive page that makes it simple for users to find what they are looking for.
- Find a solution
The solution-finder reminds us also of a quiz. However, it has a specific goal: To guide the user through questions and find the best solution for their problem.
- Videos
Videos are already engaging content. They have a dynamic look and a more interesting narrative than static or textual content. They can also be more appealing if people are encouraged to interact with them.
YouTube, for example, allows you to add interaction buttons to direct users to other videos. This feature allowed a New Zealand pizza place to create an interactive YouTube experience.
This content asks you to help a pizza delivery man do his job and not get killed by zombies. The story invites the reader to choose from the various options leading them to the next part. Cool, huh?
- Search Results
The target audience may find it boring to see the results of a survey full of graphs and data. It is easier for people to understand the data if they are presented in interactive content.
The Selfie city Project is an interesting example. It examines how people take selfies in different cities all over the globe.
- Maps
Since Google Maps was popularized, an interactive map has been increasingly used for various purposes. These are used to inform or entertain, similarly to interactive infographics but with geolocation data.
Want an example? Netflix created an interactive map based on Google Maps to display the narcotrafficking routes over the past decade in the Cocainenomics project that we have already presented.
4. How Interactive Content Marketing Can Help You Expand Your Audience
The experts at the best digital marketing company in Singapore suggests interactive content is best when you start small. Marketing teams will be overwhelmed if they try to do too much at once. Invest in interactive content, however.
Interactive content will increase the number of leads you generate. Your content prompts real-time action, so you’ll see more leads that convert to revenue.
You will have more information to work with as customer purchases rise. Personal interaction is key to customer engagement. You can optimize your customers’ virtual shopping experience by customizing discounts and advertisements based on click rates and other market analyses.
Repurpose and Reuse Old Content
Reusable content can save time and money, whether looking for old blog posts or intending to repost them. Different stages of your marketing strategy will suit certain types of content.
You might be able to reuse certain interactive content if you take into account any niches in your target audience. You can transform long-form educational blog posts into interactive quizzes or release an audio version.
Streamline Your Message
The goal of your brand’s marketing strategy is not to have a broad impact on brand awareness.
A concise message means keeping the end in mind. Avoid distracting features such as an overly detailed infographic or video. You can ensure that your content is consistent with your brand’s messaging by creating a structured process for each interactive marketing tool.
Attract and Educate Customers
Interactive content can help you educate customers about your brand, mission, products, and services. Infographics are an excellent example of a useful and educational tool at your disposal.
You can certainly be informative with any interactive content platform, but you must focus on the “why.” Clickbait is not a way to get your audience to click on your content but to educate them about a different aspect of your brand.
5. Interactive Marketing Tools You Can Use
Interactive content marketing can be implemented in several ways. There are several ways that businesses can learn about their customers to help them grow.
- Polls, surveys, quizzes, questionnaires.
- Blogs.
- Emails.
- Newsletters.
- Posts on social media
- Videos (live and recorded)
- Interviews, profiles, and guest speakers
Interactive digital marketing is all about reducing costs. Interactive content allows you to market your business to your target audience with accurate data. The best content marketing agency in Singapore says that daily posts include short, informative clips, blog posts, or podcasts. Each of these will help your audience stay engaged.
You don’t have to be afraid to create a calendar that circulates accessible interactive content. There are many content calendar tools available.
Some are worthwhile investments, while others allow you to try them out for free for a limited time. Before committing to a content management platform, ensure you have explored all options.
1. Contest or Giveaway
You can increase brand loyalty whether you offer a product or service. Giving your customers the chance to win a high-value or highly sought-after item can help you generate leads.
You can create exclusive content platforms, such as virtual giveaways, by creating interactive content. People will often seek out what they don’t have. If the offered product or service is rare, consumers will be more likely to value it.
2. Ask me Anything
Ask Me Anything (AMA) is an interview format that targets your customers. This interactive content allows your customers to get to know you personally. AMAs add a human dimension to an otherwise faceless company.
AMAs are virtual conversations with customers you may not otherwise have the opportunity to meet in person at a physical location.
Live and Recorded Videos
Livestreams can be viewed for longer times than recorded, on-demand videos. This is why it is important to embrace the live format. Live videos are essential to generate new leads. They provide current, relevant information about your company’s activities.
Interactive content marketing is about being on the cutting edge. Recorded videos still have value, especially if you want to build a database of knowledge in your market. Customers can see the growth of your business by looking at the collective information.
Interactive content is a great way to engage your audience and double or even triple the value that you offer.
You will see an increase in conversion rates, word of mouth, and market share if you are willing to put in the effort.
With this collection of interactive content, strategies, and tools, you will be able to reap all of these benefits quickly.
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