Social media has become essential to creating an online reputation in a digital era. However, due to the massive quantity of content shared on social media daily, it takes time to make your mark and gain an impressive following. 

A leading social media marketing company states that using comments effectively increases organic social media growth. This blog will discuss the significance of organic social media growth and the role comments play

We will also look at different ways and methods that can be used to improve the number of people who engage, build an online community, and ultimately improve your social media following. 

Suppose you’re a company trying to expand your reach online or someone trying to build an online presence for yourself. In that case, the tips in this article will offer valuable insights and practical actions to increase organic social media growth through the impact of comments.

Comments are a vital element of social media engagement and are essential in increasing organic social media growth. They offer a way for users to engage with your posts and help build an atmosphere where you are part of a community with your users.

How Social Media Algorithms Work in 2023

Each social network has an algorithm that is different to determine the priority of the content you share. There are, however, some similarities. Social media algorithms favour comments as well as back-and-forth conversations. Allow the best digital marketing company to help you understand the algorithms.

Here’s how algorithms function for each major social network:

1.Facebook Algorithm Signals

In 2018, Mark Zuckerberg declared that Facebook would highly value “meaningful interactions” within its social media feed. What does this mean for companies? Facebook defines “meaningful interactions” by defining posts as those that spark conversations. These are the top-ranking indicators that Facebook’s algorithm takes into account: Facebook algorithm considers:

Comments: A high volume of conversations can result in better rankings in your Facebook updates. This is why Facebook’s algorithm favours live videos with six times more engagement than regular videos.

Comment responses: Facebook also analyzes how people respond to comments. Posts that get a lot of comments will consequently be preferred on the news feed.

Reactions: Facebook users can respond to posts with reactions which represent different emotions like Like, Love, Haha, Wow, Sad, and angry. Reactions give your posts an extra boost in the news feed.

Shares: The algorithm prefers posts that are published publicly or privately via messenger. However, shared posts must engage in getting the algorithm to be considered for your organic social media. Explore Mumbai’s brilliant social media packages that give you excellent Facebook algorithm guidance.

2. Instagram Algorithm Signals

Like Facebook, Instagram announced that their news feed would be based on “the moments you are most interested in”. The algorithm prioritizes posts that are most likely to attract users.

Here are three ranking signals that Instagram’s algorithm takes a look at:

Relationship with users: Your connection to other users determines how they perceive your content. Like the Facebook algorithm, the algorithm favours content that users interact with.

Past behaviour of the user: Have they interacted on similar platforms or with posts in the past? If yes, your post will more likely appear in their news feed.

Post recency The algorithm will favour recent posts. Older content will be pushed further lower to the bottom of the page (unless the signal for the relationship has been boosted).

3. Twitter Algorithm Signals

Twitter’s algorithm highlights “what you didn’t know” according to the accounts you are most likely to interact with. It also provides suggestions that could be of interest to you. Let Singapore’s top social media marketing company help you with the Twitter platform.

Here are the top-ranked indicators that define Twitter’s reach:

Engagement: This algorithm analyses user interactions by analyzing their comments and responses.

The user’s past behaviour: Twitter analyzes tweets the user was involved in before and how often they interact with the platform.

Reliability: Tweets recently tweeted get the top spot within Twitter’s feed.

Tweet content: What’s the format of the tweet? Organized? Does it contain images, videos, images or GIFs?

4. LinkedIn Algorithm Signals

LinkedIn aims to connect professionals worldwide and help them become more efficient and successful. How? by assisting members in engaging in professional discussions actively.

Here’s how LinkedIn reviews the quality of content:

People you know: LinkedIn factors in your prior interactions, your current employer and implied desires to prioritize posts from people they think you’ll be familiar with. Did you comment on someone’s posts previously? You’ll likely be seeing more of their posts shortly.

Discussing things you care about: LinkedIn rewards authentic conversation by granting visibility. The more comments and then reply to posts–an indication of a positive interaction–the more likely it is to be featured.

There are other indicators they consider to determine the type of content you’ll find intriguing, such as hashtags and forums. The most efficient social media marketing company believes that a significant number of high-quality comments is an important characteristic. 

1. Let’s Begin by Using the Proactive Approach.

  • How can you use active comments to increase your brand? Also known as the $1.80 strategy

Proactive comments are all about using OPA (Other People’s Audiences) to expand your brand’s reach. Certain things occur if you receive a comment from someone who comments on your blog post.

The original poster can determine your identity, which usually leads to a profile or following. Others commenters respond to your blog post and reward you by increasing its reach, engagement and follow-ups.

Your comment makes the original post more popular, thereby increasing your status and the popularity of other comments. Let a brilliant digital marketing company assist you in creating a solid strategy for your social media growth.

For many years, community managers of social media and entrepreneurs have benefited from “strategic responses” as a strategy for social media growth. As paid advertisements become more efficient and organic reach declines, time-intensive activities such as proactive comments often go to the sidelines.

  • How do you go about implementing this strategy? $1.80 strategy?

Using the Dollar Eighty technique entails commenting on nine daily posts using ten distinct hashtags. If you do the maths, that comes out to $1.80. Consistently making genuine connections with your followers on Instagram will lead to conversations. Find the best social media packages in Mumbai that offers fantastic strategies.

Here’s how it will work:

Find the most popular posts within your field. Find the most critical and relevant hashtags that your users use. For Instagram, it’s suggested to pick ten topics and then go through the top nine posts. This is a general rule, and you should adjust your monitoring strategies per the guidelines.

When choosing which accounts you want to focus on, remember that engagement with relevance and quality is essential, not only follower counts. It’s not just an influencer-relations game. But will also help in your social media growth.

Review and go through the articles: Be sure you read each one of the posts by itself. What issues are they facing or seeking help for? What attracted you to it? What key information does it bring to mind? What are they doing to set the stage for you to respond?

2. Tips for Making Positive Comments on all Channels of Social Media

Step 1. Look for Opportunities.

First, look for potential conversations that could be of high quality. Be aware of these:

More popular accounts that your followers follow. Take a look at the personal or corporate brands your target audience follows, and then leave comments. Responding to their posts builds brand recognition and attracts visitors to your website. Begin with a list of 20-50 accounts. Then, track across different channels. 

Topic streams and chats that are trending Platforms like Twitter have an updated topics page. Use this feature and keep track of what topics are trending in your field of expertise.

Accounts of your customers The aim of using the $1.80 plan is to create more of a connection with your target audience. Explore through the profiles of customers and then respond to their posts on social media. Allow a leading social media marketing company in Singapore to help you manage your social media comment management.

Local brands in your field Use geotags to discover locals within your industry and respond to their posts.

Step 2. Respond with thoughtful and engaging comments.

The most exciting and entertaining comments draw interest and appear in your followers’ feeds, making way for exceptional social media growth. Here’s how you can do it for each social network:

  • How do I get more comments and involvement on Facebook?

Respond to groups: Facebook provides the opportunity to create groups that are centred around passions or interests. The focus of groups is discussion and participation, which makes it an ideal platform to establish authority via comments. 

Offer value by submitting valuable comments to posts by members. Make sure to be as precise as possible to initiate good social media growth.

Respond to Pages: The trick to commenting on Facebook Pages is responding promptly. The faster you respond to a comment, the more likely your post will be noticed. Make sure you turn off your notifications.

  • How can I increase comment involvement on Twitter?

Respond to the most popular hashtags: Twitter trends highlight the most popular hashtag-driven subjects on the platform. Give value by sharing your expertise and knowledge on particular issues. Insightful commentary will increase your profile and attract new users to your page. Respond to tweets about to become famous: Monitor tweets that are becoming popular and send an appropriate response. The more quickly you react, the better.

Respond to tweets of popular accounts (that affect your target audience). One method to test this is to comment on the tweets of celebrities and influential people you know your target audience enjoys. 

  • How do I get more comments and interactions on Instagram?

Be responsive to any hashtags that are relevant to your field of expertise. When posts with tags appear on your feed, you can join the conversation by leaving an appropriate comment.

Contact users via your comments. Scroll through your own comments posts, and then visit users’ pages. Interacting with their posts boosts the recognition of your brand with the user and informs algorithms that your posts must be featured on their feeds more frequently.

Respond to prominent accounts. Please keep track of funds within your area of expertise with high engagement, and be part of the excitement when they publish. 

  • How do I get more opportunities to comment on LinkedIn?

Respond to the audience builders and connections. Your feed is composed of first-degree links as well as exciting content from third and second-degree connections. These comments are critical.

However, another category can help you climb up a notch: Influencers and community builders. Influential voices can be found in all kinds of sizes and types on LinkedIn, from business professionals who are mainstream executives to long-term LinkedIn users who are power users. Choose 10-20 influential people from your audience and interact with their posts.

Find opportunities to comment using hashtags: Keep track of these top hashtags relevant to your field and follow them regularly. Comment on articles you can give perspective and add value to or are doing well already.

3. Make Use of Giveaways and Contests

Contests and giveaways create popularity, increase your reach, and increase your follower count within a short time. Here are five of the most effective kinds of contests that get the most comments and engage:

Comment-to-Win: Simple but efficient. The winner is chosen from the participants who left their comments randomly or based on their creativity or humour.

Caption competition: Have your readers exercise their creativity by asking them to create an original caption for a picture you share. Funny behind-the-scenes photos of your company can be great material for this blog post.

Fill-in-the-blank: People love being creative and are often compelled to leave comments. For instance, a fill-in-the-blank might be like, ‘My top product or service from your business is _____ The biggest challenge for my company is.’

Trivia questions: Experiment with your followers to participate in the social media quiz. The questions could be related to your business or on the subject of your field of expertise. You can reward those who have answered correctly with a prize.


leveraging comments on social media can be a powerful tool for organic growth. By actively engaging with your audience, responding to comments in a timely manner, and turning those comments into content, you can increase the visibility of your brand, build a stronger community, and drive more traffic to your website. If you liked this article, you might also like the previous blog on 7 Effective Practices to Deal with Different Social Media Comment Types.